Every breath could be my very last, 
but I take it without thinking. 

Every step could be my very last, 
but I take it without thinking. 

Every day could be my very last, 
but I live it without thinking. 

Why do we take everything for granted, when it all could very well end today?

If only.. If only i could paint my thoughts instead of thinking them. I can describe a mood, a setting, a feeling, but how can i show it to you?

Seated within my heart is an endless darkness, but would you understand if i just described a black nothingness? Within my mind there is an overpowering feeling of longing, but can i show you each second i've had away from what i love?

I broke down today, because everything was at the right place in the wrong time... Stories of people who cross our paths but are quickly forgotten, yet ... There are no words...

No matter how far away you may seem from your desires,
remember they are ready to be taken whenever you have the courage to live your life.

Quit whining,
...just do it for all the things my words cannot say.

We all wear masks... sometimes we wear them for so long... we forget we're wearing them at all. And sometimes when we try and take off that mask, we forget what's underneath.. and we find just another mask. We try to make ourselves what we want to be...or what others want. And we lose who we are, who we were, and what we though we could be.

Until someone comes along and rips that mask away. It crumbles and falls away. And what we are left with is a shell of what we once were. It's cold without that buffer, that wall, that bastion of identity. And it hurts a whole lot, but it's missed when their gone. 

And sometimes we fall in love with the idea of someone. But... that idea may be just what we fear from ourselves.

A mask.




“If there be light, then there is darkness; if cold, heat; if height, depth; if solid, fluid; if hard, soft; if rough, smooth; if calm, tempest; if prosperity, adversity; if life, death.”
- Pythagoras



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Look forward to the future, learn from the past
but remember to always live in the moment.
Life is all something from the beginning. Yesterday and the day before don’t count tomorrow.  There are no two the same Fridays in the world, two the same Sundays, two the same Wednesdays.

What are disappointments for then? If one love is – blank, dreams are immediately different and nicer. & when you are the saddest and bitter you think of some new eyes & realize that you are flying… you’re more beautifully flying.

There are no two the same Wednesdays in the world, two the same Tuesdays, two the same Fridays. All new loves count differently. We live, every time, from the beginning. We live never to fall. To be stronger after a storm. & right now already, in your heart a hundred golden stars can be heard.
Written at my lowest. Goodnight all 
When other people's opinions
and decisions make up who you are
how can you ever be yourself?
So yeah, this is my first ever blog post on my brand new, sparkly website & not sure what to say.. 

In this section of my website you'll find things like my favorite quotes, and some of my own writings, or just anything random and interesting. 

Make today ridiculously amazing.